Practice News Dec 2021
Lots of planning happening at the practice right now, in preparation for the new year and our ongoing support and operations. In some exciting news, as of January 2022, Stratford Chiropractic will be offering posture scans. We believe knowledge is power for our patients and these computerised scans help to provide an accurate postural assessment, in a way which allows you to see where you are at, and how you are improving.
This digital technology uses evidence based posture analysis software, and produces images showing your posture, identifying any areas of abnormality which may be impacting on your movement. For more information or to book a posture scan, contact the practice on 4055 1667, or email
Chair Yoga – Free Intro Session, 6 January 2022
In other news, we’re looking at hosting some new year exercise support classes in our practice, including Pilates, Yoga and Chair Yoga. Chair Yoga and Mindfulness Flow will be run by Cora Kracke of Yoga2Breathe on Thursdays from 5-6pm at our practice, commencing 6 January 2022. In these classes you will use a chair as your seat, providing stability and avoiding weight bearing, while enabling you to access gentle yoga poses.
These guided classes encourage mindfulness movements, to calm busy thoughts. There’s no experience necessary and if you are interested in learning more, the first session is a free introductory session being held at the practice on Thursday 6 January 2022, 5-6pm. For more information visit Cora’s website or call her on 0435 846 980.
Yoga Retreat – 2 January 2022
Meantime, Alison will continue to run her Yoga classes at the practice on Tuesdays from 5.30pm, and is also running a retreat at the practice on Sunday 2 January 2022. For our practice members and friends looking to start the New Year in a positive way, this retreat is designed to be nourishing for the body, mind and spirit. It will contain flow, freedom and intention, setting yoga and meditation practice. Cost is $60 per person and you can book with Alison directly on 0421 600 507.
Pilates at our Practice – From 18 January 2022
We also have Sally Wilson, who will be running Pilates at the practice in 2022. Gentle Pilates will run on a Tuesday from 11.30am – 12.15pm, commencing on 18th January 2022, with General Pilates running from 12.30pm – 1.15pm. Each Pilates class is $15 per session and will target abdominals and glutes, while doing a full body workout, finishing with stretch and meditation at the end. Bookings are essential for the Pilates classes and can be made by texting Sally on 0424 142 605.
Finally, we’d like to thank everyone for their support in 2021 and we look forward to continuing to support and assist your health journey in 2022. To book a chiropractic adjustment with Karen, please phone 4055 1667 or email or use our online booking form. We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and healthy and happy 2022.