Coronavirus Health Alert
Anxiety and stress is creeping into our community, with the daily updates and uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). These are unusual times and I wanted to take this opportunity to provide some advice and reassurance, in regard to the practices we’re implementing here at Chiropractic for Health.
You can be assured we are doubling the sanitation of wipe downs, and only using disposable products, washing hands and sanitising between clients. For now, working hours will continue as normal.
However – Please Note – I Cannot See You If Any Of The Below Applies To You
- If you have ANY of these symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath
- Travelled internationally in the 14 days before getting sick
- Had contact with someone diagnosed with or suspected of having coronavirus in the 14 days before getting sick
If any of the above apply to you, please call Karen on 0439 455 743. She can provide information on what to do next. This will help protect the health and safety of you and others.
We’d like to acknowledge the challenges and fear surrounding COVID-19 and its impact on lives and businesses, across Cairns and indeed the country. We know this virus is scary, but it can be controlled if we all follow correct protocols. As such, I recommend my clients follow the best hygiene and self-isolation possible. If you feel overwhelmed, stop and rest before tiredness and fatigue lead you to low immunity. Take a day off, or even for half an hour, sit and gather your thoughts. I’m also pleased to provide some advice on some healthy habits you can implement at home.
I’d like to extend my well wishes to all clients and their families and hope that we all remain healthy, with optimum wellness during this time. Further updates will be posted on this website, as and when anything changes, or you can contact Karen on 0439 455 743 or